Farm girls by happypat

Farm girls

It’s calving time on dairy farms in New Zealand so as Alex absolutely loves rearing all the calves both girls have had to muck in whether they like it or not.

Tessie & Nina before her are very used to spending lots of time like this on mums back.
I think they calve around 1400 cows so she has help in form of a young couple from Sweden I think who are traveling round & stopped to earn a bit of money.
The young man Bart is excellent with the girls.
Coincidently it turned out that Bart’s twin sister is a friend of our grandson Will & wife Erin & I met her when I stayed over at theirs last April.
It just came up in conversation & of course William & Alex are twins too.

Of course it’s the middle of winter just now in NZ so they are hardy girls! .
Such a happy shot and enjoyed the narrative too
August 2nd, 2024  
Fabulously joyful capture
August 2nd, 2024  
It’s a small world, Ooo how fabulous! Hard exhausting work & so rewarding. Wonderful life for children.
August 2nd, 2024  
A great shot full of joy !
August 2nd, 2024  
What a fab photo!
August 2nd, 2024  
Oh what a happy photo! That’s so lovely!
August 2nd, 2024  
August 2nd, 2024  
What a lovely shot and great story. Small world isn't it.
August 2nd, 2024  
those poor little calves - its pretty cold at this time - frosty mornings!
August 3rd, 2024  
Lovely story and photo.
August 3rd, 2024  
Great eyes
August 3rd, 2024  
Great selfie of a hardworking mom and her babe!
August 3rd, 2024  
This is so cute and admirable
August 3rd, 2024  
Cute pic
August 3rd, 2024  
How sweet - and capable Alex looks like she just takes it all in her stride. Nice they have extra help too.
August 3rd, 2024  
Good to get them use to mucking in and it will be no time and they will be useful.. I bet Nina already is..
August 5th, 2024  
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