@padlock@peggysirk Thank you both...something about this shot is not right...I think it is just out of kilter a bit or too much surrounding it, not sure so don't know how to put it right!
Great capture! Cosy. When you say out of kilter do you mean not quite horrizontal? Possibly or is it just so many little squares the eyes don't like it?
This is delightful - its always fun looking through a window especially when its dark outside! A lovely shot. And yes, Pat, Harry is crowing inside his house!!
Great shot, I love looking in windows and this is inviting. Looks likes a lot to peruse in there! I like your framing and the light spilling onto the bush outside.
I like thru window photos there was a feature on a photographer who takes shots of people through windows trying to capture there expressions when they realise what he is doing. Quite appeals to me. Re the out of kilter. I think it is a bit tapered. You can adjust that in lightroom. Also may be you could try cropping tighter to the square of the frame.