Vicia sylvatica by haskar

Vicia sylvatica

There is a fashion in Poland for mowing lawns. I hate it, but after The Ice Saints, all the mowers are starting. All these beautiful plants and those who live among them are dying. I hate this.
I'm always saddened when the mowers go along the roads and trim back the plants. But it never really stops them from growing back! Pretty shot.
May 16th, 2021  
So lovely and delicate!
May 16th, 2021  
This is very pretty. We have ‘No-mow-May’ this year and a lot of people are having a month to see what wildflowers grow.
May 16th, 2021  
Beautiful flowers, glad you're letting them live!
May 16th, 2021  
Their last days.
May 17th, 2021  
May 17th, 2021  
A delicate capture. We have very few lawns here and I love not hearing those noise makers too.
May 17th, 2021  
Lovely capture. Looks like our vetch. Never seen it in white.
May 17th, 2021  
We are having a 'No mow May' here in UK to let the little wild flowers have their day.....
May 17th, 2021  
A beautiful plant.
May 17th, 2021  
So very pretty with the delicate leaves.
May 18th, 2021  
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