My Giant by hbdaly

My Giant

I see my kids every day. I know them very well. So why is it that every once in awhile you catch a glimpse of them that doesn't look at all familiar. You see a picture of them and they look much too old, much too big, much too grown up from the image you carry with you in your mind. This is one of those pictures for me. This is Michael, my 6 year old. My middle boy. How do they keep getting so big right under my very nose? Makes me want to hug him tight and slow things down a bit. Well.....maybe when he's not so wet....

Alburg Dunes State Park, Vermont 7/7/11
I tried the hugging thing, but it didn’t work. My grew up too quickly anyway. What a sweet capture of a bit of summer.
July 19th, 2011  
Looks like he is having fun. It is amazing how we see our kids every day and only notice how they have changed when we have to buy them new clothes.
July 20th, 2011  
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