Seemed like a good idea at the time by helenmoss

Seemed like a good idea at the time

Every tiny twig was carrying its own precariously balanced snow burden this morning. It probably seemed like a good idea at the time to these catkins to get ahead of the game and to burst into flower during those balmy double figure temperatures a few weeks ago. They must be regretting it now.
1. No school for either of the boys = bonus extra hour in bed all round!
2. Will and his friends built an igloo, a girlfriend, two children and a pet penguin for yesterday's snowman. Unfortunately there was a "natural disaster" that annihilated the entire family before I was able to get a photo.
3. A delivery of bargain books from The Book People, including the 20 book set of Penguin Great Food - tiny, beautiful paperbacks each containing classic food related writings, from Mrs Beeton to Elizabeth David to Samuel Pepys. I'm currently enjoying AgnesJekyll's magnificent 1920s instructions for "Luncheon for Motor Excursions during Winter." The picnic should include stuffed salmon rolls, potage a la ecossaise and mulled claret. I quite agree.
Such a weight on those fragile catkins, will soon be Spring!!
January 24th, 2013  
Oh I think we should follow Agnes Jekyll's advice on the next dog walk! Just been listening to Mary Berry talking about her mother's picnics even during the war. I feel I've deprived our kids by not being better at them....
January 29th, 2013  
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