Rooftops and ferris wheel by helstor365

Rooftops and ferris wheel

My last day of antibiotics today. I haven't had any problems (with either the borrelia bacteria or the medication) so I think I'm all right :-)

You will have noticed that apart from uploading photos I haven't been participating much with commenting (being anti-social on social media? :-) for a while. I'm also not very motivated to keep taking photos every day atm.

I don't really know what's going on and I'm thinking that maybe I need a break from 365
and eventually slowly try to get back into participating more.
Good news and bad news Helge! Good that you are feeling better, bad that you are thinking of leaving for a while. Maybe you could just give yourself some leeway and just take photos when you feel like it and post whatever you have available whenever you feel like it. Break free from the "photo a day" idea - after all it's meant to be fun and it is your project to do as you wish. And, on a selfish note, then we would still get to see your lovely images and have a chat with you... Cheers Rob
June 2nd, 2024  
Good morning Helge. Glad to hear you are feeling better but, like Rob, would be sorry to see you disappear completely from 365. So, another Australian hopes you will find your 'mojo' and stay. All the very best whatever you decide to do, Suzanne
June 2nd, 2024  
A wonderful composition. It's normal to get less motivated at times. I hope you'll stay with us. Your camera testing sessions were fascinating and you are a great photographer!
By the way I also suffer from tinnitus and having an activity that keeps me focused is of a great relief.
June 2nd, 2024  
This is a terrific composition.
I hope you do whatever is best for you. But I would also miss seeing Bergen through your lens. Iā€™m glad you are not suffering any long term effects from your tick encounter.
June 3rd, 2024  
Great lines, especially with the circular line of the ferris wheel.
I'm glad you are feeling better. If you need to take a break, we'll all understand, but I hope you'll feel like returning soon. I enjoy your photos!
June 3rd, 2024  
Stunning composition. Good to know you are feeling better šŸ™šŸ»
Enjoy your photos very much. Do what feels right for you. We are family. Best wishes
June 3rd, 2024  
Thank you all for your kind comments.

When I did my first 9 years on 365 I only did a new shot taken and uploaded every day two years. The other years I usually picked photos I had taken the same week (or I posted a photo taken from our balcony... the "famous" Plan-B shots :-)

The 3.5 years since I started my 365project again I have taken and posted one new photo each and every day for 3.5 years. I'm going to try to keep posting but use whatever recent photo I have (or maybe even one from the archives :-) and then we'll see how that will work out.

@robz @ankers70 @corinnec @ljmanning @eudora @briaan
June 3rd, 2024  
Wow Helge - a new photo very day for 3.5 years is an amazing achievement.... I think you can be excused for taking it easy on yourself for a while. And, we'll still get to see your images! :)
June 3rd, 2024  
A new photo every day for 3.5 years is an amazing achievement.
I interpret 365 a bit more loosely than that, preferring to 'post a photo every day' rather than 'take and post a photo every day'.
I like to enjoy my photos and those of others and I want to spend time thinking about photos including travel photos. My photos are intricately connected to my journal writing so what I post depends on what I am thinking about and writing about in my journal as well. I am on a big sorting, collating and organising of my travel photos at the moment so I post travel photos as well. Whatever you do, I am sure we will all enjoy your photos as they come. Best wishes.
June 3rd, 2024  
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