Thirty-four years ago today, I went to a "Beat Pitt" party at my neighbor's house. There was this handsome young man there with a GI haircut. We started talking, ending up going to the football game together,.....and the rest is history. We were only 19 years old. I took this photo 2 years ago when we celebrated our 30th anniversary with a cruise to the Bahamas. I thought it was appropriate for today. I'll have to look to see if I can find a pic of us during our early days.
Congratulations on 30 years of marriage. This photo is a wonderful image to celebrate your memory. How about producing a photo that evokes the emotions you feel when you think of your children. I'm sure there will be many emotions but focus on one. It may be the sense of the continuation of life and your genes, the wonder of life, the challenge raising children brings. Your choice