UPSET  by illinilass


Today they started tearing down trees in the field behind our house. Why??? I guess to gain about an acre more to farm!!!
Neither photo very good. The snow one was taken January 2021. The other about 4PM this evening. 😢
Oh that is always sad when trees get taken down! Here the reason being for more security estates and homes, just as sad.
November 26th, 2023  
It is sad to see trees being removed.
November 26th, 2023  
It’s always sad to see trees being cut down. Surely a few trees can’t make that much difference. You’re view is still beautiful though.
November 26th, 2023  
Oh so sad
November 26th, 2023  
Both photos are good. Don’t be so hard on yourself.
(It’s quite hard for anyone to cut down any trees anywhere in Australia without approvals etc!!)
November 26th, 2023  
Sorry you lose you trees.
November 26th, 2023  
Oh, what a shame.
November 26th, 2023  
That's so very sad. I hate to see trees being cut down.
November 26th, 2023  
So sad, I think a certain amount of trees, where ever they are, should have a preservation order on them
November 26th, 2023  
I'm always sorry to see trees being destroyed
November 26th, 2023  
You wouldn’t think so!
November 26th, 2023  
Such a shame!
November 26th, 2023  
As long as it’s not houses….we all need food!
November 26th, 2023  
Great comparison
November 27th, 2023  
nice one :)
November 27th, 2023  
Oh dear ... that is sad
November 27th, 2023  
Ooh, it’s always so sad when this happens especially when their is no real reason behind it.
November 27th, 2023  
A good idea to capture the trees before they all disappear. Lovely pastel colours on the left.
November 27th, 2023  
Always hard to see a tree you love come down
November 27th, 2023  
It`s alway`s sad to remove trees. But sometimes necessary. I started living here 25 years ago with four trees around. There is one dead left. Great shots of te nice views.
November 27th, 2023  
I don't like when they do that! the same thing goes on around here.
November 27th, 2023  
For some reason they call it progress! :( I would question that!
November 28th, 2023  
So do I!
November 28th, 2023  
November 28th, 2023  
Have you planted any more?
November 28th, 2023  
November 28th, 2023  
November 28th, 2023  
Thank you
November 28th, 2023  
That’s true Pat. I don’t think it will be homes.
November 28th, 2023  
It is sad to see. We had a home at one time that backed up to a pond and woods. They tore down the trees, filled the pond and put up housing. I felt so sad for the wildlife that lived in the woods.
November 28th, 2023  
Hopefully that won’t happen here, but you never know.
November 28th, 2023  
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