Monarch butterfly by ingrid01

Monarch butterfly

The poor thing might have gotten hurt in the storm on Thursday, but she could still fly very well!

Thank you to all who responded on the two reflection photo versions. I had a slight preference for the color as did many, so I used that one.
Lovely shot, nice composition
May 19th, 2024  
Aww, a bit missing! But still very beautiful
May 19th, 2024  
She does look slightly battle-scarred.
May 19th, 2024  
Wat een mooie foto
May 19th, 2024  
So delicate
May 19th, 2024  
I love monarch butterflies and you got a nice capture here, Ingrid! But yes, she does look battered. Glad to hear that she could still fly okay. Fav
May 19th, 2024  
Very pretty!!
July 2nd, 2024  
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