365.78 by irishmamacita10


I waited ALL. FREAKING. DAY. to take a picture of the moon. It is, of course, a "super moon", a perigee moon that we will not see again for eighteen years. Yeah, well, I wasn't impressed. Well, I was at first. Gracie, Finn, Zoe, and Phoebe all came with me in the van as we drove to a clearing, facing east, and waited....for an hour. NOTHING. Finally, as I was turning around to go home, I saw a glow over the horizon. I gasped and said, "I think that's it!!" It grew larger and brighter very quickly and by the time we had gotten to the spot I had staked out in my mind, it was pretty darn glorious. The most awesome part of the whole even was hearing Gracie's excitement match mine. I got out, set up my camera, cursed at the remote that wouldn't work.....until the moon slipped behind the clouds. I grumbled and mumbled my way back to the van where Gracie shared her sympathy with me, Finn gave me his best impression of Nacho Libre, Zoe asked "You see the freakin' moon, Mama?" (yeah, I know I have some damage conrol to do there) and Phoebe gave me her best "Get me out of this carseat, YESTERDAY" look. We drove back home where I informed the gang that I was going outside and climbing to the top of the playhouse with my tripod and camera and would they please wish me luck.

I didn't have much fun. By that time, the clouds had pretty much taken over, and the cold wind blew the last of my patience away.

Super moon, shtuper moon. I'll try again in 18 years.
LOL, funny story! I like how the cloud is around it, looks kinda like a halo.
March 20th, 2011  
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