Preparing the Tools by jamibann

Preparing the Tools

This was taken on Thursday as hubby did a spot of maintenance to the shovel during his snow clearing session. I was taking some snaps of the garden to send to the kids, and thought they'd be amused to see this one, so thought it would also work for a journal shot for 365. We shovelled snow most of the day yesterday, again. This morning looks a bit better with only a couple of inches of fresh snow. We woke at 4.30 am with another dump of snow coming off the roof. It's still snowing, so we'll have to wait and see how things look before deciding if we can get up the road to see dad in Braemar.
Oh my, look at the pile on that hanging basket. Lovely candid shot.
February 6th, 2021  
Wow it looks bleak, shoveling snow will keep you fit.
February 6th, 2021  
Wow! That's lots of snow & will keep you busy
February 6th, 2021  
Your snow covered hanging basket made me smile !
February 6th, 2021  
Look at the snow still falling. I'd hunker down inside and wait for the thaw - a bit like a bear in hibernation.
February 6th, 2021  
Wow that will keep you shape snowing all that snow!
February 6th, 2021  
Love this!!
I went out to take some snow photos to send to kids too and was surprised that it was actually deeper than my little wellie boots!!
And it has snowed almost all day though not the 'build up' variety of heavy snow.....lighter stuff that catches you out!
February 6th, 2021  
Soooo much snow and more to come. Do we need to send food parcels?!
February 6th, 2021  
An arm workout instead of your walking legs! Fancy hearing the snow slide off your your pheasant house sign.
February 6th, 2021  
Great sneaky photo :)
February 6th, 2021  
Lots and lots of snow. I think shoveling is one of the worst things about snow. #1 - having to make it to work no matter what the roads are like. #2 Loss of power with no back up source of heat.
February 6th, 2021  
Interesting story. We had lots of snow in the mountains, but here in the city there is only a cloudy weather. Looking forward to going back to see a nice snowfall! But we have a couple of guys coming over to shovel with all sorts of mechanical means. Really useful
February 6th, 2021  
Great capture
February 6th, 2021  
Lovely shot. Fresh snow is lovely but digging up the road is hard work.
February 6th, 2021  
Looks familiar! We are supposed to get 3 to 5 inches on Sunday. It's definitely turning into a snowy winter!
February 7th, 2021  
Wonderful photo!
February 7th, 2021  
@judithg Ha ha ... we're still fine for the moment. A bit of respite today, me thinks!
February 7th, 2021  
@happypat Yes, I have ''snow shoveller's arm"!!! ;-)
February 7th, 2021  
@sarah19 Yes, John has been complaining that the level on our back lawn is over the top of his full length welly boots! We draw the line at shovelling out a path to the back of the garden - quite enough to deal with the drive, and the various paths around the house and to the outhouses.
February 7th, 2021  
No thanks.
February 9th, 2021  
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