Glass Figurines in Store Window, Silverton, Colorado by janeandcharlie

Glass Figurines in Store Window, Silverton, Colorado

“How beautiful it is and how easily it can be broken.”
~Tennessee Williams, “The Glass Menagerie”~
Very nice display
March 14th, 2020  
The Sun hitting the figurines is beautiful. I like the focus on the figures so that the old storefront across the street give a sense of the old time mining city of Silverton, Co.
March 14th, 2020  
Those are pretty! I like the buildings in the background too.
March 14th, 2020  
A fun trip
March 14th, 2020  
Cool! fav
March 14th, 2020  
It's just a little surreal with the front versus the back. :)
March 14th, 2020  
March 14th, 2020  
they would catch the sun very nicely I should imagine
March 15th, 2020  
@bkbinthecity @bigdad @kwind @ranger1 @essiesue @robz @joansmor @777margo
Thanks so much for commenting on my photo of the glass figurines in the store window. They really called to me for a photo, probably because of how they danced in the light.
March 17th, 2020  
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