Halloween is lovely in our village. The houses that want to take part indicate this by putting a carved pumpkin outside their house and everybody knows everyone who comes to call.
This year was the first that neither of my children went out trick or treating, Another era ends.
I can't say that I was too disappointed about this one because normally I have to answer the door whilst trying to deal with the rampaging dog and cook the dinner at the same time. This time Sam sat in wait for callers. By 7pm he decided that he had had enough so I took over. I realised that the large bowl of sweets that we had been offering now only contained 5 items and there was a large pile of wrappers next to it. All a bit awkward given that the there wasn't another sweet in the house. So I had to blow out the candle in the pumpkin rather than disappoint the remaining trick or treaters.
I bought these little squashes today at the plant nursery just outside the village where I took some pictures of the cut your own flowers meadow last month.
The largest one is only about six inches in diameter. They were so cheap, only 30 to 50p each. I mainly bought them to make a bit of a display in our kitchen and thought I would take a photo of it for my get pushed challenged where Berni Crumb has challenged me to take a picture of a person, item or scene inside my house and to make it jolly. It was only after I had posted this and was checking the wording of Berni's challenge so I could write them here that I noticed the dreaded letters SOOC! Oh, well. I will have to try again.
I'll be posting my response to your challenge tomorrow evening, now that I'll have time to take the picture I want for it. :-)