a village tradition by jantan

a village tradition

where we live, every year people leave whatever New Year's Eve function they are attending in the village to meet at the Christmas tree to sing Auld Lang Syne and wish each other a Happy New Year.
This year I thought I would take advantage of my enforced New Year's Eve (relative) sobriety (Angus was at a party in Stratford and although he was meant to be staying the night I wanted my wits about me in case of any emergency phonecalls – I still haven’t got used to this teenage party lark) and take my tripod and 50mm lens to try to capture the scene. It actually came out better than I was anticipating. This is just before Auld Lang Syne started so I don't know whether we were late getting going with it, or the clock on my camera is a few seconds wrong.

This morning I am feeling a bit smug that we turned down an invitation to join in a Safari Drinks event – going around each other’s houses and sampling drinks from a different country at each one. Ouzo and tequila seem to have figured prominently. The safari-ers turned up at the village pub where we were. They were more than a little the worse for wear – I think that there are going to be a few sore heads this morning. It’s not often that I feel smug on New Year’s Day, so I am going to make the most of it.

We had music and nibbles at the pub and rather untypically an incident which would not have been out of place in ‘The Queen Vic’ or ‘Rovers Return’ which was a bit unsettling for everybody, and the place was packed out until about 1.30am when we went home.

There was a text from Angus at 2am to say that they had all been thrown out of the party he was at – so who knows what went on there although Graham says that there were hoards of yoofs heading in that direction when he dropped Angus off, and that he was staying at a friend’s house somewhere on the Warwickshire/Worcestershire border (we live in Oxfordshire) so at some point today we are going to have to go and pick him up. You never know, he might even tell us what happened – but I won’t hold my breath……..

So, here we are at the beginning of 2014, and it’s a time to reflect and to look to the future.

Looking back, I feel fortunate and have a lot to be thankful for. Top of that list being my family’s (including my parents’) continuing health and happiness. Touch wood - and all of that sort of thing that I try to convince myself I am far too rational to believe in.

Photographically, I feel happy that I have ticked off a couple of things from last year’s list – most notably shooting in RAW and using Lightroom, and this year I want to tick off a few more from that same list – mostly learning to use an external flash and taking more photos of people. I have been asked to take some photos at a very casual wedding in June, (something I had always vowed I would never do) so want to hone my skills a bit before then.

Personally, I will just dust off the same old resolutions I have been wheeling out just about every year for as long as I can remember, but most importantly, I have put on several stone in weight over the past few years and it is making me miserable, so I have got to do something about that straight away. This reminds me, I really must do something about my profile pic which must be at least eight years old and certainly wouldn’t stand up in court if I was ever subject to a trades descriptions case!

So, all that remains is for me to wish everyone on this wonderful project a happy and healthy New Year.

Bring on 2014!

Oh yes, and looking back at this maybe another NY resolution should be a bit less verbose in my write-ups next year - sorry folks, I appear to have got a bit carried away!
Great photo, love this idea. Hope all go wells for 2014 and the shots keep coming.
January 1st, 2014  
Whater super tradition -- great photo and a very Happy new year
January 1st, 2014  
What a great tradition and great execution of the photograph! I love the warm colours and silhouetted figures. First Fav of 2014. Happy new year!
January 1st, 2014  
Fabulous shot - it captures the spirit of of new year traditions. All the best for 2014!
January 1st, 2014  
What a wonderful tradition! Love your pics and your "verbosity" - don't change that! Happy New Year!
January 1st, 2014  
What a great tradition, and a awsome photo. Happy new year :)
January 1st, 2014  
What a wonderful tradition...though i did think of the Grinch and Whoville gathered around the tree when I saw this!! lol
Happy New Year Jan.
January 1st, 2014  
No! We love your write ups - don't change a thing. That sounds like a lovely village tradition.
January 1st, 2014  
What a lovely shot and I really like the traditions your village seems to have. Unfortunately, our village has become like a commuter area as we are not far from the railway stations (4 miles each way) and A1 and M1 also not far away. Glad everything went well for you last night and have a good new year. Look forward to seeing more of your shots and I really will have to try to learn a bit more about processing, etc. rather than keep walking and taking bird shots!
January 1st, 2014  
I love your write ups almost & sometimes more than the photo Jan....keep it up, so good to hear all your farming & family doings. This is a lovely village photo & I would quite like to live in your part of the world.....I am used to the village lifestyle so can get a feel of your lifestyle......you certainly do your bit for village life!!
Love your goals for the next year....I am definitely going to try my tripod very soon!! A very Happy New year. & a fave for this photo.
January 1st, 2014  
Lovely capture of this little bit of village life. Happy New Year.
January 1st, 2014  
Oh dear too many lifestyles!!
January 1st, 2014  
Very pretty!!
January 1st, 2014  
Lovely photo -- and a wonderful tradition! I'm so envious of that sense of community. Please keep up the narratives -- I love hearing about your thoughts and your family. I remember those teenage times of our now adult son. Pretty scary. Years later you might actually hear what happened. Happy New Year.
January 1st, 2014  
Love this shot, quite jealous that you have such a wonderful community spirit. We don't have a pub so I guess that is why nobody is ever out and about the village. Parallel lives jan! I was stone cold sober and so was Malcolm who is on call. I had to collect my partying daughter from a party in the next village (how times have changed). I have also dusted off my weight watchers file and points calculator and day 1 is today (so far so good). I have eaten like a horse this Christmas and now even my wrists are fat! Must meet up this year. My brother is in oxford so maybe I could combine a visit. A fav for this wonderful happy community shot, love it
January 1st, 2014  
What a wonderful shot, and tradition. No hangover here either (big grin)...must be getting too old for that...or finally too smart? I too have to lose some weight...well, not some, a lot, sigh. Teenagers...know all about it :/ Happy New Year :)
January 1st, 2014  
Lovely capture!
January 1st, 2014  
Fabulous shot. Do you use any particular software for tone mapping?
January 1st, 2014  
This is a fabulous shot - you have caught the atmosphere beautifully and I have loved your write ups, particularly as I think I am about a year or 2 ahead of you with the life/loves and tribulations of a 19 year old! A very Happy New Year to you.
January 1st, 2014  
A super shot!! Happy New Year!!
January 1st, 2014  
@hillymay Thanks Hilary. I use Photomatix Pro. They do (or, at least they used to do) a trial version if you want to have a go, but you have to clone out lots of logos if you want to use anything you have created. Within about an hour of downloading the trial I had bought the full package
January 1st, 2014  
Wonderful shot, and enjoyed your narrative. Great subject and well captured colours. Fav.
January 1st, 2014  
Beautiful capture and love your wander through the year past and the one yet to unfold. Happy New Year and look forward to sharing 2014.
January 1st, 2014  
Lovely shot... HNY!
January 1st, 2014  
Very cool POV. Nice to see you again, Jan. Happy New Year. :)
January 1st, 2014  
What a lovely tradition; Happy New Year.
January 1st, 2014  
A beautiful capture - and I enjoyed the story...Fav for me!
January 2nd, 2014  
What a beautiful shot,great job, and I love a good write up!
January 2nd, 2014  
Absolutely lovely, colours and composition, very warm feeling about it... I love your verboseness... tend not to be so myself in the written word.... but I can talk a lot I'm told!
January 2nd, 2014  
Oh this is wonderful Jan.....Love those traditions & the feel of this shot! Fav :)
January 2nd, 2014  
wonderful photo - with just a tiny touch of a sci-fi vibe to it :) all the best to you for 2014!
January 2nd, 2014  
How gorgeous- perfect for the holidays!
January 2nd, 2014  
@northy Thanks Northy - are you thinking 'village of the damned?'
January 2nd, 2014  
hmm... never saw that one... i have this image in my head tho of backlit figures congregating in a square somewhere ;p
January 2nd, 2014  
This is just wonderful. The backlit silhouettes with the light from the tree and on the house are lovely. Fav xx
January 2nd, 2014  
Wonderful, I'm sure you could use this for Christmas cards next year, I'm sure many people in the village would love it. I've also put on quite a bit of weight over the past year (can't keep blaming the rheumatoid arthritis!!) so have started the inevitable new year diet! Keep taking your wonderful pics and writing your fun commentaries - you will have such a great record of events to look back on in years to come! Happy New Year!
January 3rd, 2014  
Ps fav!
January 3rd, 2014  
Beautiful shot!
January 3rd, 2014  
This is just fabulous Jan! Such a wonderful scene - love the lights and silhouettes. I would just like to say a thank you for your lovely words on my final 365 image! Yes, it would be great to meet in 2014! Happy New Year! Happy Snapping! : ) x
January 3rd, 2014  
Oh fav!!
January 3rd, 2014  
What a lovely tradition - this is a gorgeous (perfectly timed!) photo. Raising a cup of kindness your way - happy new year! x
January 4th, 2014  
Love this
January 4th, 2014  
What a great tradition and such a lovely shot - it really makes you want to be there.
January 4th, 2014  
Super scene with a festive air!
January 9th, 2014  
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