ladybird by jantan


I had a little bit of time out in the lovely sunny garden with my camera yesterday afternoon, but I am so busy at the moment as we are cooking a St George's day dinner for 94 people from our village tomorrow evening.
Great shot PP I bet.
April 25th, 2014  
Fantastic macro. Just love the detail.
April 25th, 2014  
Awesome close-up! I like how you can see the feathery parts on the leaves. FAV!
April 25th, 2014  
Great shot. So very clear.
April 25th, 2014  
Great focus and detail.
April 25th, 2014  
fantastic just fantastic
April 25th, 2014  
Jan , this is absolutely beautiful -- such a clear and detailed macro -- A fav
April 25th, 2014  
He has been polishing his shell Jan....lovely clear ladybird shot. Enjoy your village do!
April 25th, 2014  
Wonderful shot Jan. Fav
April 25th, 2014  
i love it
April 25th, 2014  
First fav! Second - tripod? Third - 94!!! Is that the entire village?
April 25th, 2014  
Astonishing! (Didn't know St George's day was celebrated,that's abig dinner party..)
April 25th, 2014  
I love this. Fav
April 25th, 2014  
I love this - and love the name you call it in England. Wonderful detail.
April 25th, 2014  
I seem to remember this event last year? 94 is so many people! Wonderful focus and steady hand for this photo!
April 25th, 2014  
Wow, this is an awesome photo. Love the detail you captured. FAV
April 25th, 2014  
Superb shot! Fav!
April 25th, 2014  
Wonderful close up!! Fav!!
April 25th, 2014  
Fab macro work!
April 25th, 2014  
Lovely shot Jan. I've only seen one ladybird so far this year and she was in the garden centre I visited today. I wanted to take her home, there are lots of green fly on my roses for her to eat. Good luck with this years massive dinner. What's on the menu?
April 25th, 2014  
Great capture -- it's still too early here for insect sightings. Except, of course, for the hideous stink bug who honors us with its presence all year round -- inside in the winter, outside in the summer.
April 26th, 2014  
Beautiful macro. So much detail. I hope your dinner for 94 went well. It sounds like a lovely idea to get the village together.
April 26th, 2014  
Holy smokes, dinner for 94! And you had time to capture this exquisite ladybug.
April 26th, 2014  
fantastic fabulous macro! awesome shot Jan! fav
April 26th, 2014  
Exquisite. Fav.
April 26th, 2014  
Such clarity! Fabulous capture!
April 26th, 2014  
Fantastic capture, love the plant detail too!
April 26th, 2014  
Incrdeible close up!
April 26th, 2014  
Wonderful close up, super details
April 26th, 2014  
For having only a little bit of time you sure captured a fantastic macro!
April 26th, 2014  
Only 94? Pfffft. Try harder.
April 26th, 2014  
Phenomenal shot.
April 26th, 2014  
excellent Jan! FAV
April 26th, 2014  
@judithg No Judith, I do often use a tripod, but didn't have time to faff about this time so it's handheld. I have started relying more on ISO to give a fast enough shutter speed - ISO800 in this case.

As for the dinner. There are about 300 in the village - probably about a third of those are children, so 94 is a pretty good turn-out. I vowed that I wouldn't do it again this year as I don't seem to handle the stress as well as I used to, but somehow seem to have become embroiled again. Doesn't seem like such a good idea this morning!
April 26th, 2014  
@suebarni smoked mackerel and/or chicken liver pate, sausage and mash with onion gravy and trifle, with of course the usual variations for vegetarians, diabetics, coeliacs and non-pork eaters.........
April 26th, 2014  
@jantan well I'm even more stunned by your photo then. Half wishing I'd splashed out on a proper macro as I'm enjoying more that I thought! Also - it's all those sub variations that are bad enough for a small party that make everything hard work but I know increasing numbers of coeliacs so I like to make an effort for them - terrifying if you get it wrong though!
April 26th, 2014  
@judithg yep! Oxo cubes have nearly caught me out on a couple of occasions.
April 26th, 2014  
@jantan The detail that you can get with a proper macro is so much better than 'pretend' ones. My Sigma 18-250 classes itself as 'Macro' but the image quality isn't a patch on the real thing. Get saving!
April 26th, 2014  
Beautiful macro
April 26th, 2014  
Oh my, that's an astonishing capture - brilliant!
April 26th, 2014  
Gorgeous macro Jan! Amazing details and your composition too. Fav!
April 26th, 2014  
Astounding!! Fav
April 26th, 2014  
Beautiful macro I love ladybugs this one is so clear! A fav
April 26th, 2014  
Marvellous macro....fav!!
April 26th, 2014  
Wow. Great macro shot.
April 26th, 2014  
Excellent capture!!
April 27th, 2014  
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