Fragility  by jmdeabreu


A rose, once vibrant, now withered, plucked from my son's room...
The sprint ends, a team's triumph hangs in the air, as fragile as this desiccated flower, a relic of youthful innocence and budding dreams.
Each Agile sprint ceremony, a dance of joy and tension. Voices rise, fall, revealing truths some would rather keep hidden. Just as the rose reveals its secrets as it unfurls, then crumbles into dust.
But within this decay, beauty lingers. The haunting scent of what was. A reminder of life's fleeting nature, echoing the transience of life itself. We strive, we achieve, we bloom... then wither, just like the rose.
So, let us celebrate the moments of triumph, the shared struggles, the bittersweetness of existence. For even in decay, there is a perverse elegance.
Thursday's hues bleed into the anticipation of Friday's dawn. Let us raise a glass to the transient beauty that surrounds us, that lives within us, that once bloomed in a lost son's sanctuary.

Thought for the day: Just as the rose, we bloom and wither, but in our brief existence, may we strive to leave behind a fragrance that lingers.
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