The Mills by joansmor

The Mills

Caught this shot at about sunset last night. No sun because at this time of year it is in the wrong place. But still a lovely shot. Though I rather wish that metal roof was a different color.
I think it's rather nice in pink... but you have the skills to make it whatever colour you want. I wouldn't want to see this high-structure processing all the time but it works well with this subject. Fav.
January 12th, 2017  
@vignouse Promise just playing
January 12th, 2017  
love the colours and lines joan - i think this edit is fantastic
January 12th, 2017  
Love the editing colours
January 12th, 2017  
Very nice processing Joan!
January 13th, 2017  
fabulous colours and processing Joan.
January 13th, 2017  
love it Joan
January 13th, 2017  
Wonderful shot& process!!
January 13th, 2017  
Lovely processing
January 13th, 2017  
Love the sky! We've bee.n seeing a lot of this sky lately!
January 13th, 2017  
gorgeous sky!
January 13th, 2017  
Excellent perspective against the beautiful sky colors..
January 13th, 2017  
Love how the ice mimics the sky. Lovely shot.
January 13th, 2017  
I like the warmth colors and iced lake in front with sky reflections
January 13th, 2017  
beautiful shot Joan I like the lines
January 13th, 2017  
Terrific capture :)
January 13th, 2017  
Your editing works really well with this subject. The roof works OK with the overall tone of the photo. With enough work in DigitalRaw/Photoshop you could get a different color, but...I like this as it is.
January 13th, 2017  
P.S. the lines of the sky echo the ice....lovely!
January 13th, 2017  
Good shot. I like the processing and you could actually change that roof color in post processing if you wanted to!
January 13th, 2017  
VML the red is the Silly Season after all. I sometimes think we can get a bit precious about wanting to shoot what we like and altering it if we don't.
January 13th, 2017  
Lovely image, Joan :)
January 13th, 2017  
January 13th, 2017  
Moody lighting and sky make this super nice!
January 13th, 2017  
What a lovely sharp image with a very nice sunset in the background.
January 13th, 2017  
lovely shot, I like the clarity and composition
January 13th, 2017  
I really like this shot - the soft lighting and sharp focus - the composition - the touch of red and wonderful sky color - all captured very nicely.
January 14th, 2017  
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