At the height of the outages close to 1,2 million homes and businesses were w/o electricity. (not mine though) In the last several years outages are usually compared to the Ice storm of 1998 as that was the high. But now this storm will be the highwater mark and hopefully that won't be challenged for a long time. THere was lots of rain and wind (sometimes as high as 71 mph). It will be days before everyone is up and running. Since many people are running generators and this will undoubtly cause a few deaths and fires from people not running properly. I hae lost cell phone service in my home. Assuming a cell tower is down or in trouble. So when they let us out of work early I had to stop and take a couple of pictures. This dam was in my project once or twice before. Picture taken with my tablet.
Yikes. I forget where you live but clearly the storm was a big one. It always strikes me as amazing that winds of 70mph are seen as dangerous in other parts of the world and country and they are not at all unusual here in our winter storms. Stay safe
Was listening today to the reports of the winds in your area - that must have been really wild. Glad you had no disruption - except for everything you're connected to that did! Neat shot of that water running wild and strong.
I could tell it was really windy last night but had no idea it was severe all over the eastern sea board. Hopefully things will be back on track soon for the others. Glad it didn't inconvenience you too much! Good shot.
Storms and wild wind are so scary. Stay safe.