Yvon and I tried a new spot for breakfast. The food was good but the parking lot was treacherous. Will probably not return until the weather is nicer. Speaking of snow there are three small storms in the pipework this week. January thaw over and out.
I'm going to give you what I had last week - food levitation. It was fun, but hard in the small space I had to work in. I needed to pull my subject further away from the background and I didn't have room to do that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QS8QaCtGKKA Of you can take a nature photo and edit it to look like summer. Your pick.
@homeschoolmom Now I regret nominating you. LOL Actually I tried to think how you would do this and thought your idea was great. Yikes this is a real push
You have friends with very nice smiles! Good idea about the thaw. I looked at the stars the other night and thought I should really give star trails a try again- but then thought better of it. It's just too cold! I'll wait for the thaw too.