Last of my portraits by joansmor

Last of my portraits

This is one of the two grandchildren that @shesnapped is raising. We have been friends on 365 for ions. I have been to Maryland to visit her twice.
Beautiful portrait
February 22nd, 2021  
Lovely portrait !
February 22nd, 2021  
So precious!
February 22nd, 2021  
Beautiful bow....really lovely girl!
February 22nd, 2021  
Sweet portrait!
February 22nd, 2021  
February 22nd, 2021  
Beautiful portrait. She's a cutie!
February 23rd, 2021  
So adorable 💕
February 23rd, 2021  
She's a cutie!
February 23rd, 2021  
so sweet
February 23rd, 2021  
Such a cutie.
February 23rd, 2021  
What a sweet little girl
February 23rd, 2021  
Lovely portrait of this sweet little girl.
February 23rd, 2021  
Lovely portrait. Very cute girl and the look in the eyes must have a meaning - it is very intense.
February 23rd, 2021  
What a cutie and those eyes .....
February 23rd, 2021  
Sweet portrait
February 23rd, 2021  
A lovely portrait
February 23rd, 2021  
A very sweet portrait
February 23rd, 2021  
so cute
February 23rd, 2021  
Sweet portrait.
February 23rd, 2021  
Lovely portrait
February 25th, 2021  
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