get-pushed-54 3 by jocasta

get-pushed-54 3

I think this is the most bizarre of my photos from Glorious Goodwood. Historically, major sporting events have been linked with the advertising and sale of cigarettes. I didn't see them sell a single packet - can't think why. The badge? look in with the cigarettes.
@summerfield The girl on the right was 5'11" with very very high heels
August 3rd, 2013  
Looks like from another era.
August 3rd, 2013  
wow, she's definitely tall. in fact, i like high heels on tall women as they look better together. and, yes, i do see the badge - first thing I looked for even before i read your caption. I like it! and as ME said, looked like from another era. are you sure you didn't have a time machine? i'd like to borrow. :-)
August 3rd, 2013  
Had to look at this twice - I thought the girls were painted on the wall - they are in fact real - great shot!! : )
August 3rd, 2013  
Looks very retro! Cool find!
August 3rd, 2013  
Great image, I also had to look twice. The processing you have chosen works really well too.
August 3rd, 2013  
love the funky processing on this! came over to remind myself which camera you use before answering your question about the sony nex and then saw a bunch of funky iphone shots... whaaaaaa? ok - figured out you were away and doing your push challenge and you normally use the canon 60D...

will you love the sony? almost certainly... it gets awesome crisp clear pictures and it is infinitely lighter than my canon T2i... wonderfully easy to toss in my tote bag and lug around wherever i go... and i find it very easy to hold (big issue for me - i found other mirrorless cameras i tried out to feel uncomfortable and awkward)...

the only small thing is that i'm finding a bit of a learning curve in learning how to control it... had the camera a good 2 or 3 months now and still only scratched the surface... but i am sure that if i actually spent some time on it i could figure it all out quite easily...

as for the lens, i got a 18-200mm tamron... it does kind of add back a bit more weight, but that isn't bothering me at all and i love the flexibility of it... when i bought the lens the guy at the camera store said there was a rumour that tamron was building lenses for sony... he took out the sony 18-200 and we compared them side by side... they look EXACTLY the same... only the tamron was $200 cheaper...
August 3rd, 2013  
@northy Thank you for all the nex 7 info. Really useful info about the 18-200 because that is the one I hope to get - Trying to sell the 60D 'cos I had the 5D Mk3 for my birthday last year - thank goodness for birthdays.
August 3rd, 2013  
@northy Also a huge thank you for organising the get-pushed challenges - they're such good fun. Really appreciate it.
August 3rd, 2013  
the one thing about the 18-200 is that sometimes it can be a bit slow to focus if you are switching focus lengths (like going from wide angle to really narrow)... so if i'm waiting for "just the right moment" on a shot (like the scaffolding one where i only had a very brief window of opportunity), i make sure to prefocus for the distance... it's not really a big deal, and might happen with any other lens for all i know...
August 3rd, 2013  
I've really enjoyed these Goodwood shots, honestly like a Martin Parr collection and this is another brilliant capture.
August 3rd, 2013  
Great shot, love the two ciggy sellers and the two leaflet holders (if that's what they are). Got a great retro feel about it, something to do with the hats .....
August 3rd, 2013  
I really thought the two girls were painted on the wall or cardboard cutouts! This has such a cool retro feel to it. Really like the processing. Huh £2.00? Perfect placing of the badge.
August 3rd, 2013  
I agree with the others, the girls don't look real and cigarettes at £2? - that really is retro! Great shot and awesome processing. You look like you have enjoyed your challenge this week and, as always, you've done a great job.
August 3rd, 2013  
I also thought the girls were painted on the wall, seems quite bizarre and definitely from a bygone era. You always take such interesting shots Jocasta.
August 3rd, 2013  
Cool image-love the vintage vibes---just wanderin' if they don't sell to minors-where all this kids get their cigs nowadays??
August 3rd, 2013  
Love the nostalgia of this. They remind of the confectionery trays they used to bring around cinemas.
August 4th, 2013  
I'm catching up with everybody's photos and your Goodwood series has been such a delight!
August 4th, 2013  
Very cool vintage-y image.
August 6th, 2013  
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