Magazine piece by joysabin

Magazine piece

One of various magazines where Irving Penn's work was published.
Oh I love this point of view! What a fabulous way to deptct this photographer's work being viewed
June 7th, 2024  
What a great POV!
June 7th, 2024  
I love the pov fav
June 7th, 2024  
Wonderful perspective with that background.
June 7th, 2024  
Artful capture of a place of art
June 8th, 2024  
I really like your series of pictures of this gallery. Nice POV in this one.
June 8th, 2024  
@30pics4jackiesdiamond Thank you so much, using a cell phone helped too
@ludwigsdiana Thank you kindly, didn't plan to bend down but glad that I did
@onewing Thank you a great deal, the magazine was Life, I think. Sad that it is no more
@marlboromaam Thank you so much, I guess that taking pictures within this museum is acceptable since no one was stopping us Photogs.
@sjgiesman What a most kind and supportive comment, thank you so much.
@eudora The exhibit was so worth going to, I flew down the day before and left the next night. I am a fan of Irving Penn's work.
June 15th, 2024  
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