Pre-Mardi Gras Preparations in The Gaslamp
What do you do when you know that you have your photo of the day only 10 minutes into your hour-long photographic walk? Take a buncha more shots you won't use!
Rockin' Baja Lobster
5th & K
Gaslamp Quarter
San Diego, CA
@aglennc@cejaanderson@Weezilou Yeah- I don't get into Mardi Gras because I don't drink, but I figured a walk through the Gaslamp while the prep was going on might have brought some photographic opportunities...and it did.
@jrambo001 You are right. It surely did..... Mardi Gras isn't on the top of our lists to visit either.... same reason. But we did tour the float making barns when we were in New Orleans several years ago. VERY interesting.