I was busy making bulk lasagne for my GD's Rowing camp when I suddenly remembered that it was World wide minute... quickly grab camera and go and sit on the hill to catch a photo of the girls..
I hadn't remembered! I saw your post on FB. Yikes. I haven't thought about what I can post or where I could go that might be interesting ... still, I have all day to think about it! :-) Your image is lovely!
So nice to see dairy cows on pasture. Dairy cows don't get out much here - even in the summer. However, most dairy farms have gone to free stalls so the cows do have a lot of freedom to walk and wander. Not many tie stalls left.
@farmreporter Our weather is mild enough for the girls to be outside all year.. and all supplement feed is farm grown.. they had Baleage feed to them after afternoon milking.. so happy girls..