This weekend I have had some photo's on display at a Exhibition project that one of our fellow Camera Club members has worked hard at.. She came up with the idea that she wanted to tell the stories of our older people and make every one aware that all people have a story to tell ..@dide and I were amonst the 3 photograpers that went in a took their photo after she had taken their story ...
This is Bob who in his younger day's was a National Rep Wrestler. ... and now at 75 is still working 11-12 hours a day running his own business being a Machanic and Engineer.. and does all the jobs he expects his workers to do ...
This is a shot I postered a few months ago when I first did the photo .. now that the Exhibition is over I thought I would share a few shots..
Great image of Bob doing what he loves doing. He is a very skilled bloke and can fix anything! Most farmers in the district have had machinery fixed by Bob and have been able to continue with the harvest before the weather closes in….
Great shot. I had hoped to get over to see your exhibition today so I'm disappointed that I didn't manage to get there in the end. I look forward to seeing a few on here instead :)