New Flower Shop in Town ... by julzmaioro

New Flower Shop in Town ...

We have a very upmarket flower shop open up in town .. I popped into have a look and could not resist this beautiful bunch of Poppies and Tulips.. It is going to be a great asset to our Village...
Very nice! Fav
October 16th, 2019  
Nice to see composition wit them still in their wrapping paper.
October 16th, 2019  
Great composition and light. Beautiful shot.
October 16th, 2019  
October 16th, 2019  
October 16th, 2019  
Lovely :)
October 16th, 2019  
beautiful, fav
October 16th, 2019  
Love the combination of poppies and tulips.
October 16th, 2019  
What a gorgeous display of pretty flowers.
October 16th, 2019  
Fabulous shot and reflection, the colours are amazing. Fav
October 16th, 2019  
So beautiful, a good florist is such a joy.
October 16th, 2019  
thanks for the headsup re Pitt Is - have my name down but at the moment there's a couple of issues - the plane engine apparently blew up, so they are waiting for that to come back, and the sea is very rough so going by boat isn't an option because of berthing difficulties - fingers crossed it can be sorted before we run out of time.
October 16th, 2019  
So pretty!
October 16th, 2019  
October 17th, 2019  
Gorgeous! FAV.
October 17th, 2019  
Beautiful bouquet. Nice shot of it with the paper, different than the usual vase.
October 17th, 2019  
Ever so pretty Fav
October 17th, 2019  
Lovely capture!! fav
October 17th, 2019  
Lovely shot
October 19th, 2019  
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