for the eye of the beholder challenge
inside of a dirty cassette holder,
processed and rotated and suddenly there was a mighty storm happening and debris flying about the doorway which reminded me of home videos of hurricanes.
I Googled euphemism cause I had no idea what it meant...
A euphemism is a generally innocuous word or expression used in place of one that may be found offensive or suggest something unpleasant.[1] Some euphemisms are intended to amuse, while others use bland, inoffensive, and often misleading terms for things the user wishes to dissimulate or downplay.
A euphemism is a generally innocuous word or expression used in place of one that may be found offensive or suggest something unpleasant.[1] Some euphemisms are intended to amuse, while others use bland, inoffensive, and often misleading terms for things the user wishes to dissimulate or downplay.