odd effect by kametty

odd effect

Having a clear out I found some old camera filters that had belonged to my Dad back in the 80's. They were the sort that dropped into a holder fitted in front of a lens. I just hand held a polarising one in front of my 35mm lens to see what difference it made. Not sure about the result as I looks very grainy close up. Most probably needed cleaning and a different set up on the camera itself. Did give quite a dramatic effect to the sky.
Difficult to know but the clouds looks interesting.
October 24th, 2024  
Polarising filters are generally used to cut down reflections and will have the effect of darkening the sky, emphasizing the clouds as in your shot and increasing the saturation of objects such as foliage. Try it out on the fall colours. For greatest effect use it at a 90 degree angle from the sun.
October 24th, 2024  
PS. It will also reduce your exposure by approximately 2 stops so if you shoot in aperture priority keep an eye on your shutter speed.
October 24th, 2024  
October 25th, 2024  
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