Up and Away by kerosene

Up and Away

Who said grapes were just for eating?

This is the last day of the “One Night Stand” week-long challenge (today is food). I can rarely stick to themes but don’t mind a bit of structure once in a while, I suppose...

Ah, I'm editing to give credit to Javier Pérez for this... He turns every day objects into parts of his drawings and he is much better than I!
Awesome choice - love it
July 25th, 2016  
Outstandingly cool
July 25th, 2016  
July 25th, 2016  
What a clever idea!
July 25th, 2016  
Perfect! Very creative.
July 25th, 2016  
he he - briliant!
July 25th, 2016  
July 25th, 2016  
This is so clever, love it, big fav!
July 25th, 2016  
Saw this on the PP, absolutely fabulous, so creative I love it. fav.
July 25th, 2016  
So positive, so happy, so very well done. I love Javier Pérez' ideas, but you did as perfect, as he does.
July 25th, 2016  
Very clever & creative, love the idea! Fav for creativity
July 25th, 2016  
Love this FAV
July 25th, 2016  
This is so fun and creative, I had to fav.
July 25th, 2016  
Very clever & creative;)
July 25th, 2016  
Lovely. Made me chuckle
July 25th, 2016  
Co cute and creative! Huge fav! (I have to look up Javier Perez now)
July 25th, 2016  
Love this happy and creative image.
July 25th, 2016  
July 25th, 2016  
Brilliant and a fav for me!
July 25th, 2016  
You are so wrong Caroline. :-P I just Googled him, as this is the first I've heard of him. Your drawing is MUCH better than his in this case. You have more detail in yours. I was compelled to give it an instant fav.
July 25th, 2016  
Brilliant, clever, sweet and well shot!
July 25th, 2016  
@granagringa I just googled Perez also, thanks for turning me on to him. That would also be a great theme for a one-night-stand challenge.
July 25th, 2016  
Fabulous shot. Favourite for me to think about and maybe try myself.
July 25th, 2016  
This is so cute and clever!
July 25th, 2016  
been wanting to try something like this for awhile-you have aced it!!!!!
July 25th, 2016  
Such fun. Well done. Big smile for this.
July 25th, 2016  
This is brilliant. I googled him too and think you've done a brilliant job. It would be fantastic to do a challenge with this genre!! I think I'm going to give this a go :) xx
July 25th, 2016  
LOVE your work! Following. :-) (Fav!)
July 25th, 2016  
Very, very clever and beautifully executed... Fav.
July 26th, 2016  
Brilliant capture!
July 26th, 2016  
Love this!
July 26th, 2016  
So cool
July 26th, 2016  
Awwwwwwww.... This is just too stinkin' sweet :D
July 26th, 2016  
Love this! Fav!
July 26th, 2016  
Cool image fav
July 26th, 2016  
Such a cute idea!
July 26th, 2016  
@bill_fe I am so humbled by your nice comment, Bill :) thank you!
@jetr thank you kindly Joan, I am blushing! I look forward to yours!
July 27th, 2016  
I would FAV this twice! I simply love this! I must do some of these!! Wildly funny and sooooo cooool
July 28th, 2016  
This reminded me of this 5+2 one I did: http://365project.org/fiveplustwo/365/2015-01-06
July 28th, 2016  
Excellent. :)
July 28th, 2016  
congratulations on top ten! in fact, it's at the very top! :-)
July 29th, 2016  
@summerfield oh wow Vikki thank you for letting me know!!! I'm shocked, that's never happened to me. I always thought people on the TT get notified since their name is there but nope... thanks for being the bearer of good news! ^_^
July 29th, 2016  
Not "only" Top Twenty, but *Number One-Head of the Class"! Congratulations my friend! This is adorable, whimsical, playful and totally endearing! If you drew the little figure, you're hugely talented artistically as well!!! Are there no limits to your creativity?! Well done! ♥
July 29th, 2016  
Genius idea. Playing with food. Such fun.
July 29th, 2016  
Very well deserved Caroline. Congratulations and "chapeau"!
July 29th, 2016  
Congrats on TT! Such a clever and creative fun shot! Love your work ! Fav and following!
July 30th, 2016  
I missed this - so good!
July 30th, 2016  
@Weezilou your words are so very sweet Louise, thank you my friend!! I did draw the little figure but honestly the more I look at this, the more I see the flaws :) I am shocked about the TT to be honest!
July 30th, 2016  
I just knew this was top twenty material! Congratulations.
July 30th, 2016  
Great. fav
July 30th, 2016  
Big congrats on #1 of Top 20
July 30th, 2016  
Same as @lynnz , congrats on #1. I told you you were wrong! :-P
July 31st, 2016  
Brilliant and beautiful!!! fav.
July 31st, 2016  
@bill_fe hahaha you did, thank you dear Bill :)
July 31st, 2016  
@pamknowler I am honored, thank you so much Pam for your kind words!
@johnfalconer that is so great of you to come back a second time - thank you :)
@lynnz thank you Lynn!
July 31st, 2016  
Your photos are fantastic. Now following.:-)
August 1st, 2016  
@mchartwig thank you Celi, I am quite humbled! :)
August 1st, 2016  
well deserved no1 ......
August 1st, 2016  
super congratulations!!
August 2nd, 2016  
So creative!!! Love it!!!
August 3rd, 2016  
Congratulations Caroline on your creative image making it to the Top Twenty! FAV!
August 5th, 2016  
@jack4john I'm so shocked at this - thank you!
@kali66 thank you dear Kali :)
@cjphoto thanks very much Chris, I'm glad you like it!
@skipt07 thanks a million Skip, so very nice of you!
August 5th, 2016  
Awesome idea, just brilliant
August 5th, 2016  
That is super fanatic -------- brilliant. Following
August 5th, 2016  
No. 1 shot! Yaaaay! :D Go Caro, go Caro! :) :)
August 6th, 2016  
so cute!
August 8th, 2016  
August 11th, 2016  
A bit late to the party, but this is a fantastic image!
August 23rd, 2016  
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