Two Years ago, about this time,
through a series of unfortunate events,
I found myself with no way to follow the
first game of the year for my Beloved Red Sox.
A great person assumed that mantle
And called the best game ever*.
And we won.
As time went on, some two years ago,
We found ourselves, in places and times
That defied common experience
And led to a confirmation of the Magic of the Moment
We ended that year
Celebrating our Beloved Red Sox
at a parade that could have no equal**.
Cause we had won. Had won it all.
And, today, again, was opening day.
And, so, again, the play by play.
There are words we say,
Gatherings we attend,
Times that are set aside for Purpose.
Socks we do not change.
All in the name of superstition
And Celebration, and Tradition.
Not really because we believe that
Our dance will effect the ages,
Or that Time will bend to our will.
We do this out of a constant respect for the Unknown
And a Celebration of that which we do not understand.
And, Still, today, we won.
*Two years ago, about this time:
**Two years ago, or so, the parade: