Kev - this picture is stupendoUS! I love its texture, it gives it depth. Your words reflect our moments, no more hole in our circle - a rarity like the reflection of the moon's light off the ice crystals to create and hold it secure.
Kevin, where do I begin? The words have a very Buddhist thought and feel to them. And the photo, is nothing short of great. Got to fav this one. Very nicely done.
The fact that you write so enigmatically leaves room for interpretation by each of us, and yet it seems to be your story as well... Just is the also-enigmatic photo...moon...crystals...chair? Wonderful!
What a night to take a shot. This early morning I also took a night shot. Then I got my camera out and took a few pictures. Your poetry gives your photos such meaning. Nicely done.
@Weezilou You have been spoiling me, Louise! You have a way of cutting through my shroud and I really appreciate your insight or your effort :) Thank you