footloose by koalagardens


yeah the boys know how to hang loose.
may as well pop it in the song challenge :)
Thank you for the many lovely messages of support and concern. While it is far from over, yesterday I actually saw blue sky!
Silly question - do males have any sign of a pouch?
November 24th, 2019  
Very cute!! Nice capture, caption!! fav
November 24th, 2019  
@30pics4jackiesdiamond not silly at all - none whatsoever :) They also have no nipples as the females teats are inside the pouch and the males totally lack this structure.
November 24th, 2019  
Certainly "Footloose " remember buying the album for Gary when a small boy !!!!
November 24th, 2019  
Stunning shot and fabulous title.
November 24th, 2019  
@koalagardens thank you
November 24th, 2019  
Great shot!
November 24th, 2019  
A great capture
November 24th, 2019  
adorable! Amazing how they squeeze themselves into tight spots to be comfortable
November 24th, 2019  
Just chillin' out :)
November 24th, 2019  
Adorable i love those TOES
November 24th, 2019  
Lovely shot. Hopefully this is not the end of those devastating fires
November 24th, 2019  
Love the pose...pleased your saw blue sky....they continually fuss over the haze we've had in Sydney and though it is unpleasant all I can think is how terrible it must be for those in the midst of it all and just hope it gets better
November 24th, 2019  
A wonderful capture. He looks so chilled.
November 24th, 2019  
Does he manage to sleep in that position ? It’s funny ;)
November 24th, 2019  
@cocobella oh yes he is quite soundly sleeping :) only a koala could be comfortable like this!
November 24th, 2019  
He is wedged in that tree...seet dreams big boy!
November 24th, 2019  
He is fitting into the branches!
November 24th, 2019  
He looks very comfortable...
November 24th, 2019  
I have no idea how they can sleep like this but it is fun to see all the crazy positions they get into!
November 24th, 2019  
Great shot with a great view on the feets and claws.
November 24th, 2019  
So cute, you can see how sharp his claws are, good for gripping
November 24th, 2019  
He looks comfy!
November 24th, 2019  
I’m afraid of those claws. I loved that movie!
November 24th, 2019  
@louannwarren yes, all of us that work with koalas bear our scars proudly ;)
November 24th, 2019  
The claws at at odds with how peaceful he looks.
November 24th, 2019  
I agree with Taffy. Nice shot, though
November 25th, 2019  
Are the claws at all retractable, like a cat? Or are they full out and sharp all the time?
November 25th, 2019  
Great capture, Fav
November 25th, 2019  
Hooray re blue skies. I love the sharp claws against the sense of relaxation
November 25th, 2019  
@gardencat no not retractable, they are ever-ready brand hahaha
November 25th, 2019  
Great capture I wonder what he is dreaming about
November 25th, 2019  
I didn't know they had claws!
November 25th, 2019  
I love how all 4 paws look like hands. And we have seen then grasp well with them in your photos.
November 25th, 2019  
So cute with the flexed claws!
November 25th, 2019  
Dynamic equilibrium?! Spectacular...
November 25th, 2019  
Love it!
November 25th, 2019  
Ha ha if you've got it flaunt it
November 25th, 2019  
LOL - I just have to agree with Babs!! :)
November 25th, 2019  
@onewing @robz and boy has he got it!!!!!
November 25th, 2019  
So funny! They really try such different positions. Do they ever fall out of the trees? fav
November 25th, 2019  
looks relaxed here anyway.
November 25th, 2019  
gorgeous FAV
November 25th, 2019  
Oh my, this is so cute. Great capture.
November 25th, 2019  
Glad to hear that you finally saw some blue skies. I hope it continues.
November 25th, 2019  
@gardenfolk geriatric and sick koalas do fall from the trees, and rarely survive it. fighting males will attempt to throw each other from the trees, often causing death or serious injury, and sometimes a joey falls when a male is trying to get to mum.
So the short answer is not as a common thing, thankfully :)
November 25th, 2019  
@merrelyn grey skies for rain clouds would be the most ideal :)
November 25th, 2019  
Great capture. Fav!! 😀
November 25th, 2019  
@koalagardens Oh dear! I would be in tears if I saw one fall. Safety nets would be my answer but I know that is impossible.
November 25th, 2019  
Great shot.
November 26th, 2019  
Cute! And with all the looseness the ring around the neck is present.
November 26th, 2019  
@haskar well spotted :)
November 28th, 2019  
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