double pressure by koalagardens

double pressure

Yes, ANOTHER joey in pouch. Phoenix and Angel are around the same age and are nursing their first joeys in pouch. Such hope that I desperately needed. We may have one fine year of photos ahead as that is now 4 females with joey's in pouch.
Something had to offset the horror of the fires.
so wonderful!
January 16th, 2020  
Good to know with so much heartbreak, that you have 2 babies.
January 16th, 2020  
You could have nursery before you know it!
January 16th, 2020  
What a beauty! Such good news!
January 16th, 2020  
@jesika2 well 4, because Racee and Stevie gave birth in December too :)
January 16th, 2020  
@carole_sandford yes indeed. in 2018 I had 4 with joey's on the property and it was divine :)
January 16th, 2020  
Oh - your koalas are such a joy - and so very precious after what has happened around the country!
January 16th, 2020  
I love your koalas. What a beauty. Looks a little squished between the branches. I love that there is a joey. Definitely a sign of hope.
January 16th, 2020  
@epcello yeah she was sprawled out, then started wriggling to reposition, so this isn't where she settled, but she does look rather squished up :)
January 16th, 2020  
Wonderful news!
January 16th, 2020  
She does look rather squashed and not at all comfortable - but I am sure she will find way to get comfortable !
January 16th, 2020  
Excellent. So good to hear.
January 16th, 2020  
Love the news after the great fire dissasters. Lovely shot.
January 16th, 2020  
Such great news! It does balance out all the tragedy. Nature has a way of moving on- I'm glad you're there to help out!
January 16th, 2020  
Youpi - more good news... we certainly need some.
January 16th, 2020  
Love this
January 16th, 2020  
wonderful news
January 16th, 2020  
Great capture and news
January 17th, 2020  
How exciting!
What a beauty!
January 17th, 2020  
Another joey how exciting
January 17th, 2020  
They sure squash themselves in
January 17th, 2020  
This IS exciting news......
January 17th, 2020  
Glad to hear.
January 17th, 2020  
Looks so happy.
January 17th, 2020  
Watching this wonderful procession of koala’s and thinking about two new joeys making an appearance in the future, has me wondering, how do you pick names for them?
January 17th, 2020  
Great capture. She almost looks like she's wedged in there pretty tight. Does sound like it might be a very good year.
January 17th, 2020  
That is hope for all of us.
January 17th, 2020  
Such wonderful news for everyone, especially for you and the great work you are doing. Upwards and onwards from now. She looks so blissfully happy cuddling that tree.
January 17th, 2020  
Very good news, Lovely photo!
January 17th, 2020  
@gardencat my facebook followers compete mightily to name them all 🤣
January 17th, 2020  
New life is exciting! Wonderful capture!
January 17th, 2020  
So you can tell from this image that there is a Joey in her pouch? A trained eye sees it, I just see a beautiful Koala but so happy to read she has a Joey. x
January 17th, 2020  
@zeezee oh yes - you can see a little pouch bulge and the indented line of the pouch opening down the middle :) funny that I thought it was pretty obvious, but I guess I am pretty used to what I'm looking for hahaha
January 17th, 2020  
So glad you are a great breeding spot !
January 17th, 2020  
Good news 👍 didn’t see it either until you explained ☺️
January 17th, 2020  
How exciting. Lots of new little koalas. We are busy making possun, koala and kangaroo pouches at our craft group for injured animals
January 17th, 2020  
Great news :)
January 17th, 2020  
Such good news! Maybe it's a sign that life is reviving?
January 17th, 2020  
Wonderful news. I am so sad about the loss of habitat and wildlife in your country.
January 17th, 2020  
So glad for this bright spot in the midst of so much devastation.
January 17th, 2020  
So wonderful
January 17th, 2020  
Lovely capture of this Koala, looks better a bigger size than on my phone.
January 18th, 2020  
The fab four! :)
January 20th, 2020  
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