Well, as predicted, I'm moving rather slowly today. Lots happened on the building front so I spent several hours at the property today overseeing things and cleaning up. The skim coat was poured and will provide a smooth clean surfure for inside our 3 foot crawlspace. The perimeter pipes were installed and covered with drain rock as well as inspected by the powers that be. The water line was placed and is flowing successfully and an excavator was dropped off in preparation for backfilling on Monday.
I wandered around taking various random construction types shots. I've settled on these corn broom ones (see the other album for another version: http://365project.org/kwind/extra-shots/2013-03-08) as I liked the lighting and textures and I thought they might work for the Eye of the Beholder challenge.
@cmc1200 Yes, we're doing the general contracting ourselves. My husband is a builder but works on big commercial projects across the country. This will be our 10 house build.
@kwind What?! 10?! We are considering building right now. I want to do it, but the process seems so daunting. We will meet with our builder Sunday morning to look at some lots. Or plan is to sell our house and do the apartment thing during construction. I hate upheaval.
@cmc1200 I love building houses. This is the 6th for us and 4 others we built to sell. It can be stressful at times but if you have a good contractor to guide you through the process it is fun and exciting. I'm lucky because my husband is in the business and knows all the trades people in town. He is also very easy going in terms of the decorating decisions so we don't argue over paint colours or bathroom faucets. Good luck in your lot search.
I just love the lighting and texutres in this one! Glad to hear you're not too sore from your skiing experience :) And glad to hear how quickly that house is coming along! Also thank you so very much for the follow :) It means a lot to me and I really appreciate it :)
I thnk they work great for the theme! Nothing more common and everyday than concrete or a broom. You made them look pretty here....this bangs back memories of when my husband and I built our house.