Now aboard M/S Nordkapp, which like M/S Lofoten is a Hurtigruten ship, but much larger and more like a cruise ship than a packet boat. Will be on this for two more nights, to beyond the North Cape.
I just got off the MS Midnatsol, which is a Hurtigruten ship and also have been on the MS Finnmarken up to North Cape. I really loved it. Maybe you'll see some northern lights. Nice photo. I really like the clouds.
@janemartin €40 for a bottle of wine at dinner, €10 for a single whisky, beer the same price for 60cl (approx. pint). There is always the option not to drink of course, not an option we considered for very long! Enjoying ourselves and would recommend the trip.
I am seeing Norway vicariously through your pictures , I would love to do it in reality, The price of a drink is eye watering, but you can't take it with and the memories are priceless and life's too short not to enjoy a nice glass a red or a beer. Keep posting...