@robz He was looking at one of the other cats, Picasso and Mable were somewhere behind me. I'm glad he's friendly to the girls. But Ginger, the red tomcat, is rarely seen now...he's a little afraid of Joshi since he was attacked by him :-\ No blessures, but now he knows Joshua is stronger.
@monicac Many thanks, dear Monica. I'll tell him ;) He's a stray. I made a deal with the local shelter: they will give me a live trap, I try to catch him - and then he will finally be neutered. Possibly the vet will cut one of his ears a little bit (I hope they won't) to recognize he's neutered. And after all he can stay in his old territory. He was just in my garden (feeding time), but now the shelter and the vet are behind-closed-doors. Maybe tomorrow (the shelter opens for some hours). Please keep your fingers crossed that I will succeed!
@ninaganci Thank you! He has his own kind of beauty...I love how he moves, and he has a cute face and mesmerizing eyes...but he's very jealous and a real troublemaker 🙄 I can feed the outdoor cats together, but when he's sated, he starts chasing the others (all but Picasso).