Asked Bob to wake me up when he got up. Why asks Bob? I have a shot I'd like to get. Well, he did wake me up and as I thought you excuses to not get up, tired, it's cold, really, your a nut, get it later, just forget about it . The crazy photog in me had to get up.
Have a fun, safe, not too scary day filled with candy. ( Look who decided to be a witch for halloween)
Great photo and wonderful Halloween decorations! The deep blue silhouetted trees in the background are a great contrast to the glowing orange light in the foreground. Fav.
Glad you made the effort! this is amazing to see all the decorations! the color is terrific and Bones' costume is a perfect choice ! He looks mah-velous!
This is a great shot and wonderfully decorated house. It was worth getting up to take this photo. Love that you included Bones in this witch costume. Happy Halloween. FAV