After walking the dogs and then walking to the Party Store for New Years photo props. LOL I decided I'd hop on the muni and find where the trolleys are hand turned around. Got off at Powell and you were practically there but that end wasn't operational :-( .
You walked down the block and hopped on a free bus ride to the trolleys but the only problem was they didn't drop you at the end and there were at least 75 people already waiting for the trolley. I decided to follow the tracks on foot and 30 minutes later I finally made it to the end and turn the trolley around by hand point. Now to butt in line so I can get my picture. After pointing to my camera and the trolley since I don/t speak Chinese they made room for me . After all I went through to get here I wasn't going to take NO for an answer. My favorite shot is capturing the trolley that passed me on the way here but again I really worked for this shot so darn it I'm posting IT. I miss my driver (Darlene's husband). On a happier note this is the song that popped into my head for the Title. Guess It really dates me :-)
You ARE old if you remember that song! I can say that because I remember it!