I looked at the calendar this morning and realized that today’s the first day I’m supposed to start training for the Indianapolis Mini-marathon. Then I looked outside at the four inches of snow. I’ve participated three times, but I’ve only walked it with tiny spurts of running. This year I was hoping to run at least some of it which I cannot do without some decent training. I’ve been doing the elliptical inside, but it’s not the same as hitting the pavement. We’ll just have to wait and see.
How far is a "mini marathon"? I've only ever done a 5K race... I did manage to run the whole time, but anything further and I'd never make it. Good luck training! and don't underestimate the power of an elliptical... ;)
@wjw1741 I’m going to have to do something because I’m determined I’m running every other mile this year. I just need to get my partners in crime, my two brothers who are doing it with me, to agree to it so we can stay together.