Painting Traffic Control Box by loey5150

Painting Traffic Control Box

My daughter Lynda applied to be allowed to paint her local traffic control box near her home.
After much correspondence regarding design & colours etc, she got the go ahead to do it.
The council supplied the paints, safety vests etc - really good.
I have been helping her & we have really enjoyed it to date.
It's also best to do it together for safety reasons.
We hope to bring you the finished product very soon.
Quite an interesting photo, but it will definitely look much better than the original boring thing.
August 19th, 2010  
Ooh love it!
August 19th, 2010  
Lois I will have to check it out next time I go past Nice job!!!!!!
August 19th, 2010  
You can check out the progress of it on my blog:
August 19th, 2010  
Way to go!
August 19th, 2010  
What a brilliant idea!! Can you imagine the red tape and frowns if we wanted to do that in England!!!
August 19th, 2010  
I love the variety of these and have often wondered who did them. Good job so far!
August 19th, 2010  
What a brilliant idea!
August 19th, 2010  
Hehehe, perfect made and as I can see there are no handcuffs around her wrists ;-).
August 19th, 2010  
Actually, guys, it's a Main Roads Dept initiative to keep these from being tagged by kids who graffiti everything for the sake of territory. There's a lot of organisation and design application to get through - e-mailing too - to get the box of paints delivered as well. What I'm doing there is quite legal and a lot of fun.

But you do have to obtain permission from a proper company here to paint one of these boxes; you can't just say you want to paint one, rock up and paint one without permission and guidelines.
There's the strict rule that I can't be there alone or without my bright orange vest on. I must have the acceptance letter with me in case somebody calls the police on us. And it does help if you've got facilities around the place that serves food and have toilets too.

Check out my blog I put the url of in an earlier comment.

Otherwise, this is a lot of fun!
August 20th, 2010  
This is just awesome! How cool that you're doing this together. I can't wait to see the finished product... it looks amazing so far!
August 20th, 2010  
Very cool, it's coming along nicely :)
August 20th, 2010  
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