Devastated!! by lynnz


because I grabbed the camera instead of opening the door!

#9 Top 20 Week 442
I laughed when I saw this on TT. I never dreamed it would be there! Thank you all for the great comments!
The things cats have to put up with!!! :)
February 24th, 2019  
@amyk Your comment made me laugh!
February 24th, 2019  
awwww..... what a face
February 24th, 2019  
Awww! Precious!
February 24th, 2019  
LOL. Well captured!
February 24th, 2019  
Oh just look at that face
February 24th, 2019  
Great shot, you can read exactly what he is thinking in that expression.
February 24th, 2019  
Does look like it's a little concerned. Great shot.
February 24th, 2019  
the screen makes it! so pitiful! I'm sure you made up for it!
February 24th, 2019  
Too cute!
February 24th, 2019  
Awwww...Such a cute shot :)
February 24th, 2019  
Thinks you're not playing fair! Cute.
February 24th, 2019  
Awwww! Love the expression!
February 24th, 2019  
February 24th, 2019  
Ahhh...please let him in:) Cute shot!
February 24th, 2019  
Aw he looks so sad. fav.
February 24th, 2019  
LOVE this photo, and oh, if I haven't done the same on any number of times!!!
February 24th, 2019  
The look on that face says it all, fabulous shot!
February 24th, 2019  
Great shot:)
February 24th, 2019  
Haha! Looks like our cat every morning when he wants to come in for breakfast.
February 24th, 2019  
Lol - what an image - he looks almost like a cartoon cat!!
February 24th, 2019  
Awwwwww, the face says it all! 😂
February 24th, 2019  
Oh, that sad little face. Super!
February 24th, 2019  
who can resist that face
February 24th, 2019  
... lines were crossed...
February 24th, 2019  
Ooh ! poor kitty !!
February 24th, 2019  
February 24th, 2019  
Poor pussy :)
February 24th, 2019  
Look at that face... poor thing ;-)
February 24th, 2019  
nice capture ...
February 24th, 2019  
February 24th, 2019  
February 24th, 2019  
Such a sad face.
February 24th, 2019  
What a sad little face !
February 24th, 2019  
Very cute! Fav
February 24th, 2019  
Oh dear mummy let me in purrrrrleas.
February 24th, 2019  
Darling capture. a fav
February 24th, 2019  
This is so funny, I laughed, what a face!! Fav
February 24th, 2019  
Awwww, so cute.
February 24th, 2019  
February 24th, 2019  
February 24th, 2019  
Aww such a pleading look on it's face!
February 24th, 2019  
Instant fave! Brilliant shot!
February 24th, 2019  
Oh the look on the face!
February 24th, 2019  
Cute picture
February 24th, 2019  
How adorable. fav
February 24th, 2019  
Awww what a sad face!
February 24th, 2019  
You meanie!!
February 24th, 2019  
awww hahaha! made for a cute photo though!
February 25th, 2019  
Aww poor kitty cat :)
February 25th, 2019  
He really looks miserable !
February 25th, 2019  
Aww, this is adorable. Poor kitty wants in.
February 25th, 2019  
Entertainingly pitiful! You caught a great expression, but I'm sure kitty knows that the camera ranks first!
February 26th, 2019  
Congratulations on TT...
March 1st, 2019  
I missed this adorable capture! Fav. Congrats on the TT!
March 1st, 2019  
Congratulations on TT - such a priceless capture of kitty's face :)
March 2nd, 2019  
Beautiful lol! Fav :)
March 6th, 2019  
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