We had neither rain nor a rainbow today. I was trying to come up with another idea (one that would not be too difficult to set up) and mentioned to Marvin that I needed a rainbow shot and had already used my rainbow nails and didn't want to use them again.( http://365project.org/marilyn/365/2013-02-16) He said, "Do you still have your (Order of) Rainbow (for Girls) pin?" I do... I managed to find it... and ta-da... my rainbow shot for the day!
@smithak@deburahiru@digitalrn Thank you so much, everyone... I kind of wish I would have done something a little more spectacular, but this is about it for me these days! Waiting, waiting, waiting for better weather and hoping that it will "spring" me out of my winter funk! :)
@swguevin That was a very long time ago for me... but I feel that I learned some important lessons... especially the art of memorization and public speaking...not to mention the fun of meeting lots of other girls.