@k9photo Thanks, Kate! I have never had any kind of a reaction to ragwort. Ragweed on the other hand will send me on a sneezing fit in a split second. Ragwort relies on bees and insects for pollination and ragweed relies on the breeze to spread its pollen so it gets in the air. Now I've never stuck my nose down to smell ragwort, so that might make a difference. =)
@kwind Thank you!
@larrysphotos Thanks, Larry!
@ryan161 Thank you so much, Ryan!
@mittens Thank you very much, Marilyn!
@linnypinny Thank you, Lin!
@rhoing Thanks, Thom!
@ljmanning Thanks, Laura!
@lesip Thank you, Leslie!
@pdulis Thank you, Peter!
@sangwann Thank you, Dione!
@wakelys Thank you, Susan!