Fresh picked wildflowers put in an old coffee can to set on your picnic table to cheer your friends and family - while you eat some barbecue.
Again, from my May 2012 archives. Things are pretty dry around here. Inside the can - heartwing sorrel, daisy fleabane, and hairy cat's ear wildflowers.
Sounds like a great way to spend the holiday weekend… we had a chilled out day… I spent the day reading and smoking a brisket on my wood pellet grill… we had a wonderful dinner of homemade macaroni salad, green jellos salad with pineapple, and Kate’s fabulous potato salad.
@kvphoto Thank you, KV! This was back in 2012. No barbecue or picnic this year. Mom is in rehab for a broken hip. Hoping she'll recover enough to go to the memory care unit at another facility. We killed a copperhead yesterday in a spot where Will would've stuck his nose. Glad he wasn't out when I found it and my yard helpers grabbed the hoe and chopped its head off. Those are some nasty snakes that can strike up to five feet without warning. Your weekend sounds like a lovely dream! Enjoy it. =)
@dutchothotmailcom Thank you very much, Esther! You too!
@phil_howcroft Thank you, Phil!
@mittens Thank you, Marilyn!
@danette Thanks, Danette!
@pattyblue Thanks, Pam!
@amyk Thank you, Amy!
@monikozi Thanks, Monica!
@koalagardens Thank you!
@ludwigsdiana Thank you very much, Diana!
@kvphoto Thank you, KV! This was back in 2012. No barbecue or picnic this year. Mom is in rehab for a broken hip. Hoping she'll recover enough to go to the memory care unit at another facility. We killed a copperhead yesterday in a spot where Will would've stuck his nose. Glad he wasn't out when I found it and my yard helpers grabbed the hoe and chopped its head off. Those are some nasty snakes that can strike up to five feet without warning. Your weekend sounds like a lovely dream! Enjoy it. =)
@bkbinthecity Thank you, BKB!
@craftymeg Thank you, Margaret!
@k9photo Thank you, Kate!
@dkellogg Thank you, David!