I got a new lens attachment made for my cheap little digital Kodak. That's right - a Kodak Z1012 which was very useful for what I needed it for... 365 was an afterthought in 2011 after I was laid off. It's a zoom lens that I got to hopefully shoot the birds with more detail. Based on this distortion, the jury will be out for a while. Was it worth the $99 or not? I guess I'll find out.
@joysabin It works with the camera's zoom. Supposed to give me more depth for macros and further away shots, but I don't know... If it always causes the distortion it won't do what I wanted it to do.
@30pics4jackiesdiamond Thank you, Jackie.
@wakelys Thank you, Susan.
@corinnec Thank you, Corinne. It might take some getting used to using it.
@ludwigsdiana Thanks, Diana.
@koalagardens LOL! Yeah. Hard for the censors to focus too!
@mittens Thanks, Marilyn.
@milaniet Thanks, Milanie.
@maria03051 Thank you, Maria.
@craftymeg Thank you, Margaret.
@haskar Thank you, Haskar.