2024-05-21 chimneys  by mona65

2024-05-21 chimneys

Just for my records, as those are sadly a rare sight. The "Chimneys" (entrance to breeding tubes) of some kind of potter wasps. In my language they are called officially Schornstein Wespen, what would be Chimney Wasps.

Need to go back, in dry weather. Wasn't prepared to be that lucky, while waiting to have my tyres changed.
Perfect focus
May 21st, 2024  
Weird looking things.. Wasps are clever builders..
May 21st, 2024  
So interesting.
May 21st, 2024  
May 21st, 2024  
How fascinating.
May 21st, 2024  
So glad you shared this. Ive never seen chimneys built by wasps
May 22nd, 2024  
Great find and lovely shot. Very interesting structure.
May 22nd, 2024  
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