A swifty by mortman60

A swifty

It's amazing to see the influence Taylor Swift is having on children in today’s society. This is my youngest daughter, Emily, from my series of intimate portraits of people in my life. This photograph was taken as a potential entry for last week's @52Frames challenge, which involved capturing a visual representation of a chosen song lyric. Emily chose "Lover" and was insistent that Taylor Swift often did this sign at her concerts, wanting to use this as a way of showcasing the song's lyrics.
Many people wonder why my Instagram submissions feature more portraits than landscapes or other types of photos. The reason is that I have always been fascinated by people and their faces. I love the Shakespearean line, "The eyes are the window to the soul," because I believe it is true. A face tells the story of who a person is and where they have been in life. My goal is to develop a photo essay that captures the diversity of humanity, showcasing people from all walks of life while simultaneously honing my skills. There are so many stories out there waiting to be told. This is just the beginning of Emily’s story.
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