The Office - Part Two! by mozette

The Office - Part Two!

Wow! Yesterday, I spent around 3 hours sorting... just sorting... through things!

I found all the books that matched any dust jackets to match them. But there were 2 books that were missing and dust jackets without books... so I spent the afternoon wondering where those 2 books where; and you know? I walked past them about a dozen times as they were on the floor right in front of the bookcase next to the door!

Then, I put away away as many books into the bookcases as I could, re-oraganised them as much as I could and worked on throwing out what I didn't need - which was ironically not much. Okay, I threw out plenty of rubbish, but there wasn't much in the way of charity items here. You see, this room is mainly made up of books, so I can't give them away if I haven't read them.
I gave away some very dated teenaged horror books and something I haven't even looked at in 5 years; and that was it! And there's 1 bag of rubbish to go in the bin.

Otherwise, this morning, I tried to get more books into the bookcases, but only about 7 fitted, and no more... darn. I think I need another bookcase, but the question is: where would I put it? ;)
Wow, you did make some headway, and it still sounds like you have more work
July 14th, 2013  
@digitalrn Yeah, I do have some more work to do. I'm taking my time with this room as it's the room that has the most - um, junk - in it. :)

I have bought a plastic box with wheels so I can store some books to give away... and I've also gotten rid of three synthetic bags of books too by shelving them in as many places as I can. But I still have two more bags of paper I need to work through at some point. They are they only two bags left sitting in front of the wardrobe otherwise.
July 16th, 2013  
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