Hoyvík by mubbur


Yes, there was no agreement made about the strike yesterday, so now I think it will last at least two more weeks, then there will be no more food in the shops either, so you have to go out with the fishing rod, there is enough fish to catch so we will starve no, just so boring that there is no petrol to get around, so this must be good for the environment🤣🤣😊
Gosh…no petrol… back to nature.
Hope things get sorted soon for you.

This is a lovely collage…very beautiful walks and stormy skies.
Love it!
May 31st, 2024  
@beverley365 Thanks yes it is No good🥲🥲
May 31st, 2024  
So frustrating! I hate that strikes always affect ordinary people who have no power to make the changes being requested by the strikers. Glad you can at least fish. Me? I would starve. I am allergic to fish!
Pretty swan collage
May 31st, 2024  
@casablanca Thanks yes No good,i love fish 😊😊
May 31st, 2024  
A lovely series of photos. Sorry to hear that the strikes continue, but at least if you can fish, you can eat. It must be very frustrating though.

May 31st, 2024  
This strike is unbelievable, how can they let people be hungry?
I am so sorry for everyone
Lovely photo
May 31st, 2024  
Love the photos of the swan. What a long strike.
May 31st, 2024  
It’s so lucky you can get fish to help get through this terrible time.
May 31st, 2024  
Lovely shots. I’ve heard about strikers “holding a country to ransom”, but this is something else!
May 31st, 2024  
Wow - how horrible for all the people on your island..
May 31st, 2024  
@fishers @365projectorgchristine @zilli @dide @carole_sandford @robz
Thank you all, yes, it's boring, but that's how strikes are now, the ordinary man and woman want a little more pay and the employers won't agree to that, we have about DKK 10 more per hour, I hope it gets it , I have tickets and space for camping on June 5th for a big country festival which is here, so I hope the strike is over by then 👍💪😊
May 31st, 2024  
A lovely collage.
You are so patient.
May 31st, 2024  
Lovely views of the swans.
June 1st, 2024  
Strikes don't really help anybody- especially in a small nation like yours. I do hope the powers that be get things sorted out soon. In the meantime, you do what you can to get by. Nice collage.
June 1st, 2024  
@corinnec Thanks💪😊
June 1st, 2024  
@ljmanning Thanks😊
June 1st, 2024  
@olivetreeann Thanks, yes it i true, take manny years to gett the lost money back 🙈😊😊
June 1st, 2024  
Keep hoping everyday the strike is over….
June 1st, 2024  
@illinilass Yes me to 🥲😊
June 1st, 2024  
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