'I want to hear you say Who I am is quite enough Just want to be worthy of love And beautiful...'
NEDA Week.
This is my depiction of an ED. I have been thinking about it all week. When you have an ED, you have a constant companion, like a shadow, sometimes you believe they're your friend...other times you realise they're your enemy. It is a love/hate relationship and a constant battle. They never leave you alone and they rip your life apart. They make you feel guilty and they stop you from doing so many things you used to love. They constantly berate you and lower your self confidence. They make normal every day tasks feel as difficult as climbing mount everest.
It can often feel like a blackness surrounding you and you can't see any way out. You begin to lose hope and you forget what life was like before ED. You forget what is 'normal'.
Eating disorders are serious. They are life threatening. They are not a method of attention seeking, nor are they a joke. They are all too often fatal. They're all too often terminal. So many people struggle day in day out, yet you would never know. Eating disorders do not distinguish between race, age, sex, gender or anything else. ANYONE can be affected. If you know someone who you think might be affected by one, talk to them, be there for them, help them, get help for them, support them in any way you can. It won't be an easy road, and they may try to push you away. You might fight, fall out, hate each other at times. But these people need help, support and friends.
Sorry if that was a bit of a lecture xD But this is a cause very, very close to my heart. The above writing is both from my own experiences and others. No picture I could take could ever, ever describe the constant turmoil or ED. But I hope this opens some people's eyes...just a bit.
Your words are so powerful. They speak an honest, open truth that needs to be heard by all. I thank you so much for sharing...I know it isn't easy, and I wish you nothing but a clear path through the minefields in your mind. You are beautiful, inside and out...never forget that. ;)
This is simply perfect! And so true, both the photo and your words. My middle daughter has suffered from an eating disorder for 8 years (1/3 of her life) and it simply terrifies me. She is in recovery now, but it is a daily battle. Thank you for your thoughtful composition and words.
Excellent and powerful, Naomi! Perfect pic - I wouldn't change a thing. Usually those subjects that are close to our hearts make for the best in our photography and you have totally demonstrated this.
A powerful image and powerful words. You have the ability to put over the bleakness and despair of having an Eating Disorder using both of these. Kudos to you XXX
Knowing that I am a creation of God, made in His image, and loved by Him, helps me to realize I have value because I am His.
great picture (:
Very good photo, and awesome message!! :)